Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer Dust

Premium Fresh Water Diatomaceous Earth Insect Killer Dust

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Weight 0.200 kg

This premium freshwater diatomaceous earth product carries a Commercial registration. DIRECTIONS FOR USE: BE GREEN DOKTOR DOOM PREMIUM FRESHWATER DIATOMACEOUS EARTH INSECT KILLER is ready-for-use insecticide dust, which has given effective knockdown and kills of the pests listed. This product is for use in and around apartments†, homes†, other residential buildings†, hospitals*, nursing homes*, daycare centers**, schools**, transportation equipment††, other commercial and industrial facilities, warehouses, restaurants, and food/feed handling establishments, and their immediate surroundings.

BE GREEN DOKTOR DOOM PREMIUM FRESHWATER DIATOMACEOUS EARTH INSECT KILLER is intended for application with hand or power dusters, or by other suitable means, to cracks & crevices, voids, hiding and runway areas and those places where pests are found. In living areas, make applications in such a manner as to avoid deposits on exposed surfaces or introducing the material into the air. Treat small area of the surface to be treated for staining or other adverse reaction before making the regular application. To apply insecticide directly into cracks and crevices, use a bulbous duster or other suitable equipment. Apply lightly and uniformly to infested areas. Pay particular attention to cracks and crevices and voids where insects may be harbouring, travelling, breeding or entering the structure. Examples of these areas are service ducts; false floors and ceilings; wall voids; around electrical and telephone fittings and equipment; around water and sewer pipes; under and behind cabinets, refrigerators and sinks; around window and door frames; along baseboards; in attics, crawl spaces, landscape and mulch areas. The amount to be applied will vary with the site but should usually be in the range of 4.5 to 18 grams of BE GREEN DOKTOR DOOM PREMIUM FRESHWATER DIATOMACEOUS EARTH INSECT KILLER per square meter. Repeat treatments as necessary to maintain adequate control. As this product is not registered for the control of pests in aquatic systems, DO NOT use to control aquatic pests.